Here I go, out to do a load of laundry. The laundry room is a completely seperate building from the house, and boy am I glad of that! I opened the door...

walked into the room and put down my basket...

Immediately after putting the basket down I spotted the spider in the basin that I wrote about earlier. I was really excited because I knew he would stay still for a few minutes while I went to grab my camera.
I turned my head and saw...

one half of a huntsman, a big one, on the floor. Now, you've heard the age old question, "What's worse than finding a worm in an apple?", right? The punchline is..."Finding half a worm". Well, what's worse than finding a big huntsman spider? Finding half of one. Why, you ask? Because. That means he was prey. Which means there is a predator around. All of this raced through my head as I glanced around madly for the guy that ate him. And then. I Looked Up.

I sortof wish I hadn't. He was huge. Here he is in relation to the ceiling rafters. They are roughly four inches across. I'm not sure what kind of spider he is, but wow is all I can say about his size. See the final post for a close up of him, click on his picture. That is one big spider.
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